
core functionality

destroy ()

destroy an instance

keep_htmlBoolean if not set to true the container will be emptied, otherwise the current DOM elements will be kept intact
_create_prototype_node ()

Create a prototype node

get_container ()

returns the jQuery extended instance container

get_node (obj[, as_dom])

get the JSON representation of a node (or the actual jQuery extended DOM node) by using any input (child DOM element, ID string, selector, etc)

ReturnsObject jQuery
get_path (obj[, glue, ids])

get the path to a node, either consisting of node texts, or of node IDs, optionally glued together (otherwise an array)

objmixed the node
glueString if you want the path as a string - pass the glue here (for example '/'), if a falsy value is supplied here, an array is returned
idsBoolean if set to true build the path using ID, otherwise node text is used
get_next_dom (obj[, strict])

get the next visible node that is below the obj node. If strict is set to true only sibling nodes are returned.

get_prev_dom (obj[, strict])

get the previous visible node that is above the obj node. If strict is set to true only sibling nodes are returned.

get_parent (obj)

get the parent ID of a node

get_children_dom (obj)

get a jQuery collection of all the children of a node (node must be rendered), returns false on error

is_parent (obj)

checks if a node has children

is_loaded (obj)

checks if a node is loaded (its children are available)

is_loading (obj)

check if a node is currently loading (fetching children)

is_open (obj)

check if a node is opened

is_closed (obj)

check if a node is in a closed state

is_leaf (obj)

check if a node has no children

load_node (obj[, callback])

loads a node (fetches its children using the core.data setting). Multiple nodes can be passed to by using an array.

callbackfunction a function to be executed once loading is complete, the function is executed in the instance's scope and receives two arguments - the node and a boolean status
load_all ([obj, callback])

loads all unloaded nodes

objmixed the node to load recursively, omit to load all nodes in the tree
callbackfunction a function to be executed once loading all the nodes is complete,
redraw ([full])

redraws all nodes that need to be redrawn or optionally - the whole tree

fullBoolean if set to true all nodes are redrawn.
open_node (obj[, callback, animation])

opens a node, revealing its children. If the node is not loaded it will be loaded and opened once ready.

objmixed the node to open
callbackFunction a function to execute once the node is opened
animationNumber the animation duration in milliseconds when opening the node (overrides the core.animation setting). Use false for no animation.
Triggersopen_node.jstree after_open.jstree before_open.jstree
close_node (obj[, animation])

closes a node, hiding its children

objmixed the node to close
animationNumber the animation duration in milliseconds when closing the node (overrides the core.animation setting). Use false for no animation.
Triggersclose_node.jstree after_close.jstree
toggle_node (obj)

toggles a node - closing it if it is open, opening it if it is closed

objmixed the node to toggle
open_all ([obj, animation, original_obj])

opens all nodes within a node (or the tree), revealing their children. If the node is not loaded it will be loaded and opened once ready.

objmixed the node to open recursively, omit to open all nodes in the tree
animationNumber the animation duration in milliseconds when opening the nodes, the default is no animation
referencejQuery to the node that started the process (internal use)
close_all ([obj, animation])

closes all nodes within a node (or the tree), revealing their children

objmixed the node to close recursively, omit to close all nodes in the tree
animationNumber the animation duration in milliseconds when closing the nodes, the default is no animation
is_disabled (obj)

checks if a node is disabled (not selectable)

enable_node (obj)

enables a node - so that it can be selected

objmixed the node to enable
disable_node (obj)

disables a node - so that it can not be selected

objmixed the node to disable
is_hidden (obj)

determines if a node is hidden

objmixed the node
hide_node (obj)

hides a node - it is still in the structure but will not be visible

objmixed the node to hide
skip_redrawBoolean internal parameter controlling if redraw is called
show_node (obj)

shows a node

objmixed the node to show
skip_redrawBoolean internal parameter controlling if redraw is called
hide_all ()

hides all nodes

show_all ()

shows all nodes

select_node (obj[, supress_event, prevent_open])

select a node

objmixed an array can be used to select multiple nodes
supress_eventBoolean if set to true the changed.jstree event won't be triggered
prevent_openBoolean if set to true parents of the selected node won't be opened
Triggersselect_node.jstree changed.jstree
deselect_node (obj[, supress_event])

deselect a node

objmixed an array can be used to deselect multiple nodes
supress_eventBoolean if set to true the changed.jstree event won't be triggered
Triggersdeselect_node.jstree changed.jstree
select_all ([supress_event])

select all nodes in the tree

supress_eventBoolean if set to true the changed.jstree event won't be triggered
Triggersselect_all.jstree changed.jstree
deselect_all ([supress_event])

deselect all selected nodes

supress_eventBoolean if set to true the changed.jstree event won't be triggered
Triggersdeselect_all.jstree changed.jstree
is_selected (obj)

checks if a node is selected

get_selected ([full])

get an array of all selected nodes

fullmixed if set to true the returned array will consist of the full node objects, otherwise - only IDs will be returned
get_top_selected ([full])

get an array of all top level selected nodes (ignoring children of selected nodes)

fullmixed if set to true the returned array will consist of the full node objects, otherwise - only IDs will be returned
get_bottom_selected ([full])

get an array of all bottom level selected nodes (ignoring selected parents)

fullmixed if set to true the returned array will consist of the full node objects, otherwise - only IDs will be returned
refresh ()

refreshes the tree - all nodes are reloaded with calls to load_node.

skip_loadingBoolean an option to skip showing the loading indicator
forget_stateMixed if set to true state will not be reapplied, if set to a function (receiving the current state as argument) the result of that function will be used as state
refresh_node (obj)

refreshes a node in the tree (reload its children) all opened nodes inside that node are reloaded with calls to load_node.

objmixed the node
set_id (obj, id)

set (change) the ID of a node

objmixed the node
idString the new ID
get_text (obj)

get the text value of a node

objmixed the node
get_json ([obj, options])

gets a JSON representation of a node (or the whole tree)

options.no_stateBoolean do not return state information
options.no_idBoolean do not return ID
options.no_childrenBoolean do not include children
options.no_dataBoolean do not include node data
options.no_li_attrBoolean do not include LI attributes
options.no_a_attrBoolean do not include A attributes
options.flatBoolean return flat JSON instead of nested
create_node ([par, node, pos, callback, is_loaded])

create a new node (do not confuse with load_node)

parmixed the parent node (to create a root node use either "#" (string) or null)
nodemixed the data for the new node (a valid JSON object, or a simple string with the name)
posmixed the index at which to insert the node, "first" and "last" are also supported, default is "last"
callbackFunction a function to be called once the node is created
is_loadedBoolean internal argument indicating if the parent node was succesfully loaded
ReturnsString the ID of the newly create node
Triggersmodel.jstree create_node.jstree
rename_node (obj, val)

set the text value of a node

objmixed the node, you can pass an array to rename multiple nodes to the same name
valString the new text value
delete_node (obj)

remove a node

objmixed the node, you can pass an array to delete multiple nodes
last_error ()

get the last error

move_node (obj, par[, pos, callback, is_loaded])

move a node to a new parent

objmixed the node to move, pass an array to move multiple nodes
parmixed the new parent
posmixed the position to insert at (besides integer values, "first" and "last" are supported, as well as "before" and "after"), defaults to integer 0
callbackfunction a function to call once the move is completed, receives 3 arguments - the node, the new parent and the position
is_loadedBoolean internal parameter indicating if the parent node has been loaded
skip_redrawBoolean internal parameter indicating if the tree should be redrawn
instanceBoolean internal parameter indicating if the node comes from another instance
copy_node (obj, par[, pos, callback, is_loaded])

copy a node to a new parent

objmixed the node to copy, pass an array to copy multiple nodes
parmixed the new parent
posmixed the position to insert at (besides integer values, "first" and "last" are supported, as well as "before" and "after"), defaults to integer 0
callbackfunction a function to call once the move is completed, receives 3 arguments - the node, the new parent and the position
is_loadedBoolean internal parameter indicating if the parent node has been loaded
skip_redrawBoolean internal parameter indicating if the tree should be redrawn
instanceBoolean internal parameter indicating if the node comes from another instance
Triggersmodel.jstree copy_node.jstree
cut (obj)

cut a node (a later call to paste(obj) would move the node)

objmixed multiple objects can be passed using an array
copy (obj)

copy a node (a later call to paste(obj) would copy the node)

objmixed multiple objects can be passed using an array
get_buffer ()

get the current buffer (any nodes that are waiting for a paste operation)

ReturnsObject an object consisting of mode ("copy_node" or "move_node"), node (an array of objects) and inst (the instance)
can_paste ()

check if there is something in the buffer to paste

paste (obj[, pos])

copy or move the previously cut or copied nodes to a new parent

objmixed the new parent
posmixed the position to insert at (besides integer, "first" and "last" are supported), defaults to integer 0
clear_buffer ()

clear the buffer of previously copied or cut nodes

edit (obj[, default_text, callback])

put a node in edit mode (input field to rename the node)

default_textString the text to populate the input with (if omitted or set to a non-string value the node's text value is used)
callbackFunction a function to be called once the text box is blurred, it is called in the instance's scope and receives the node, a status parameter (true if the rename is successful, false otherwise), a boolean indicating if the user cancelled the edit and the original unescaped value provided by the user. You can also access the node's title using .text
set_theme (theme_name[, theme_url])

changes the theme

theme_nameString the name of the new theme to apply
theme_urlmixed the location of the CSS file for this theme. Omit or set to false if you manually included the file. Set to true to autoload from the core.themes.dir directory.
get_theme ()

gets the name of the currently applied theme name

set_theme_variant (variant_name)

changes the theme variant (if the theme has variants)

variant_nameString Boolean the variant to apply (if false is used the current variant is removed)
show_stripes ()

shows a striped background on the container (if the theme supports it)

hide_stripes ()

hides the striped background on the container

toggle_stripes ()

toggles the striped background on the container

show_dots ()

shows the connecting dots (if the theme supports it)

hide_dots ()

hides the connecting dots

toggle_dots ()

toggles the connecting dots

show_icons ()

show the node icons

hide_icons ()

hide the node icons

toggle_icons ()

toggle the node icons

hide_ellipsis ()

hide the node ellipsis

set_icon (obj, icon)

set the node icon for a node

iconString the new icon - can be a path to an icon or a className, if using an image that is in the current directory use a ./ prefix, otherwise it will be detected as a class
get_icon (obj)

get the node icon for a node

hide_icon (obj)

hide the icon on an individual node

show_icon (obj)

show the icon on an individual node


Checkbox plugin

This plugin renders checkbox icons in front of each node, making multiple selection much easier.

It also supports tri-state behavior, meaning that if a node has a few of its children checked it will be rendered as undetermined, and state will be propagated up.

get_undetermined ([full])

get an array of all nodes whose state is "undetermined"

fullboolean if set to true the returned array will consist of the full node objects, otherwise - only IDs will be returned
show_checkboxes ()

show the node checkbox icons

hide_checkboxes ()

hide the node checkbox icons

toggle_checkboxes ()

toggle the node icons

is_undetermined (obj)

checks if a node is in an undetermined state

disable_checkbox (obj)

disable a node's checkbox

objmixed an array can be used too
enable_checkbox (obj)

enable a node's checkbox

objmixed an array can be used too
get_checked_descendants (obj)

Gets ids of nodes selected in branch (of tree) specified by id (does not include the node specified by id)

idstring the node ID
ReturnsArray array of IDs
check_node (obj)

check a node (only if tie_selection in checkbox settings is false, otherwise select_node will be called internally)

objmixed an array can be used to check multiple nodes
uncheck_node (obj)

uncheck a node (only if tie_selection in checkbox settings is false, otherwise deselect_node will be called internally)

objmixed an array can be used to uncheck multiple nodes
check_all ()

checks all nodes in the tree (only if tie_selection in checkbox settings is false, otherwise select_all will be called internally)

Triggerscheck_all.jstree changed.jstree
uncheck_all ()

uncheck all checked nodes (only if tie_selection in checkbox settings is false, otherwise deselect_all will be called internally)

is_checked (obj)

checks if a node is checked (if tie_selection is on in the settings this function will return the same as is_selected)

get_checked ([full])

get an array of all checked nodes (if tie_selection is on in the settings this function will return the same as get_selected)

fullmixed if set to true the returned array will consist of the full node objects, otherwise - only IDs will be returned
get_top_checked ([full])

get an array of all top level checked nodes (ignoring children of checked nodes) (if tie_selection is on in the settings this function will return the same as get_top_selected)

fullmixed if set to true the returned array will consist of the full node objects, otherwise - only IDs will be returned
get_bottom_checked ([full])

get an array of all bottom level checked nodes (ignoring selected parents) (if tie_selection is on in the settings this function will return the same as get_bottom_selected)

fullmixed if set to true the returned array will consist of the full node objects, otherwise - only IDs will be returned

Contextmenu plugin

Shows a context menu when a node is right-clicked.

show_contextmenu (obj[, x, y])

prepare and show the context menu for a node

objmixed the node
xNumber the x-coordinate relative to the document to show the menu at
yNumber the y-coordinate relative to the document to show the menu at
eObject the event if available that triggered the contextmenu

Adds search functionality to jsTree.

used to search the tree nodes for a given string

strString the search string
skip_asyncBoolean if set to true server will not be queried even if configured
show_only_matchesBoolean if set to true only matching nodes will be shown (keep in mind this can be very slow on large trees or old browsers)
insidemixed an optional node to whose children to limit the search
appendBoolean if set to true the results of this search are appended to the previous search

used to clear the last search (removes classes and shows all nodes if filtering is on)


State plugin

Saves the state of the tree (selected nodes, opened nodes) on the user's computer using available options (localStorage, cookies, etc)

save_state ()

save the state

restore_state ()

restore the state from the user's computer

clear_state ()

clear the state on the user's computer

Types plugin

Makes it possible to add predefined types for groups of nodes, which make it possible to easily control nesting rules and icon for each group.

get_rules (obj)

used to retrieve the type settings object for a node

objmixed the node to find the rules for
get_type (obj[, rules])

used to retrieve the type string or settings object for a node

objmixed the node to find the rules for
rulesBoolean if set to true instead of a string the settings object will be returned
ReturnsString Object
set_type (obj, type)

used to change a node's type

objmixed the node to change
typeString the new type